- Gender: Male
- Breed: Black German Shepherd
- Birthday: September 18th, 2017
Jack has been with us at the clinic since he was 8 weeks old. He is a friendly and gentle Black German Shepherd who loves people! He is our representative clinic dog who provides therapy to all of our patients. Dr. Song ensures Jack is well-mannered and calm to maintain a positive environment at Song Family Chiropractic. He is not officially certified to be a therapy dog, but he has been trained to be highly obedient and affectionate to mimic the characteristics of one.
What is puppy/dog therapy?
Puppy therapy has been a popular event that brings joy to all types of people in public facilities such as hospitals, schools, and libraries. Oftentimes, people are stressed carrying out their daily lives especially when they are in pain. A therapy dog can help patients by offering them comfort and temporary distraction from pain. They can also help reduce anxiety, depression, and lower stress levels to help you relax for before and after your treatments.
* Jack works part-time, so if you would like to meet Jack, please contact the front desk for hours.
* If you feel uncomfortable around dogs, please let us know so we can accommodate your needs. We want everyone to feel at ease when they come to the clinic and understand that dogs are not for everyone.